Nietzsche's Hammer Blog

Obama To Risk Lives Of Americans For Political Gain

Posted in Corruption, Economics, Foreign Policy, National Security by nietzscheshammer on 01/12/2009

Barack Obama is sending 30,000 Americans to Afghanistan and not the 40,000 that General David McCrystal said were required for victory.


Since being elected, Obama has likely been privy to information that has dispelled some of his childish naivete about the world although certainly not all, far from it.  Obama knows that the US cannot leave Afghanistan.  He also knows that his political base, which shares his naive ideology, does not want the US there.

So what does Obama do?  Instead of making a decision to lead America to victory by acting on the advice of the general he appointed he has decided to do what he was told would lead to an American defeat and in doing so Obama is risking the lives of Americans in Afghanistan and ultimately in America.

Now Obama and the Socialist-Democrats are engaging in the deplorable act of attempting to further politicize the effort in Afghanistan and divide Americans against each other by suggesting that some Americans pay a “war tax” to fund the effort. 

Apparently the socialists believe that there is all of a sudden no money to pay for national defense but there is plenty to go around for entitlement programs like socialist health care.  To put that in perspective, the new effort in Afghanistan is $40B while Obama care is being misrepresented by the Socialist-Democrats 40 times that much (i.e., >$1.5T) but will almost certainly cost closer to $9T over only 6 years.  Furthermore, excluding Obamacare, the CBO has estimated the rest of Obama’s economic policies to add an additional $10T to the US debt which stood at $10T at the time.  Since then Obama has run the US debt to $12T in less than 9 months.

This is the same tactic that the Democrats have been using for years: divide Americans and set them against each other in an imaginary class war that they create through nothing more than their politics.  This is the same strategy that was employed by every socialist leader in the 20th century including Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  With Americans fighting each other the aim is that most will not recognize the real enemy: their own government.

Obama has once again proven himself to be a selfish, ego-centric incompetent idealogue who has no regard for anything or anyone other than what is good for his own political career and advancing the tyranny of his socialist ideaological agenda.

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