Nietzsche's Hammer Blog

41% Believe Obama Will Increase Taxes

Posted in Corruption, Economic Freedom, Economics, Freedom, Political Freedom, Social Freedom by nietzscheshammer on 11/11/2009

According to Rasmussen, 41% of Americans believe that Obama will increase their taxes.  Ten percent are completely irrational and believe that taxes will go down and the remaining 38% who believe their taxes will stay the same have not been able to connect the dots.

Here are a few of the ways Obama will raise taxes on everyone.

  1. The Socialist Stimulus: That was financed by deficit spending, in other words, loans that have interest payments.  Who exactly do people think are going to make those interest payments?  The government?  Where do they think the government is going to get the money?  The government will be forced to raise taxes.  The Socialist Stimulus also spends money that would not otherwise be spent and thus drives prices up.  That is an inflationary tax.
  2. Obama’s monetary policy: Obama is destroying the value of the dollar by increasing the national debt and printing money wildly.  This means that every dollar is worth less which means that the purchasing power of every American is reduced.  That is an inflationary tax.  The hidden trap is that people will get paid more because of inflation but not enough to keep pace with inflation and over time they will find themselves in a higher tax bracket and be paying more taxes despite the fact that their real purchasing power has been going down.  Furthermore, as the dollar loses value people around the world lose confidence and begin to dump it like India did in its recent purchase of gold.  This will rapidly accelerate the demise of the dollar.
  3. Obama’s “cap and tax”: This will, according to everyone including Obama, raise the cost of electricity to the levels seen by CA.  Electric bills will triple or more.  This is a hidden tax on Americans.
  4. Obamacare: Obamacare has buried in its 2,000 pages hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes on individuals and businesses.  The taxes on businesses will result in higher prices charged to consumers.  That is an inflationary tax.
  5. Payroll taxes: These taxes hit businesses directly but impact individuals as businesses raise prices in order to stay profitable.  This is an indirect tax.

Those are only a few of the ways that Obama and the Socialist/Democrats either have already, or intend to raise taxes on everyone and we have not even gotten to the inevitable situation where the actions of Obama and the Socialist/Democrats have so crippled the economy that the taxes they anticipated fall short and they have no other recourse than to raise the individual marginal rates.

This is a well orchestrated plan to drive the US into economic collapse and weaken Americans to the point such that government takeover of every aspect of their lives becomes not only easier but even desired by people who have lost all sense of reason and cling to an irrational and desperate hope that the government will save them.

It is massive corruption in an effort to change the US into a failed socialist state like Cuba, Venezuela, India, the USSR, East Germany, North Korea or even China.  Notice that China has only begun to find economic success in direct proportion to the degree it has adopted free market practices and abandoned socialism.

This is all happening before your eyes and you had better think very carefully before you cast your votes in 2010.