Nietzsche's Hammer Blog

Prices Up, Housing Down

Posted in Economics by nietzscheshammer on 18/11/2009

Consumer prices were up 0.3% for October despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of jobs are lost each week under Obama’s economic policies.  Is this the start of the inflation that many including Warren Buffet have predicted will come as the result of the massive spending, debt and debasement of the US$ that are the cornerstones of Obama’s economic policies?  Does Obama friend and campaign supporter, anti-American and socialist George Sorros know something?

Housing building permits fell 4% and construction dropped more than 10% in October.

What great indicators that the socialist policies of Barack Obama are working so well for individual Americans.

US Trade Deficit Widens

Posted in Economics by nietzscheshammer on 13/11/2009

The US trade deficit widened more than the expected $31.7B to $36.5B, an 18.2% increase in September.  That is the biggest deficit since January when Barack Obama took office.  It is %15 worse than most economists expected.

Part of the reason is the greater demand for imported energy (i.e., oil) and foreign cars.  What?  People are buying foreign cars after Obama and the Socialist/Democrats made everything all better for the US auto industry by bailing them out with tens of billions of dollars?  Yep

US exports have been rising since May.  Is this good news?  Well, that must mean that there is more productivity and jobs abroad so the rest of the world must be getting better.  The US of course just lost another 502,000 jobs last week to bring the Obama tally to 4 million lost jobs despite his Socialist Stimulus.

Also, Obama’s Socialist Stimulus and monetary policy have destroyed the value of the dollar.  The result is that American goods are cheaper for the rest of the world to buy which also factors into explaining why exports were up.

So the trade deficit is huge and the rest of the world is pulling out of the Chris Dodd – Barney Frank recession and Americans continue to lose millions of jobs and see the value of their money race towards zero.

Great work Barack!

Why You Should Be Happy About Obama’s “Jobs Summit”

Posted in Economics by nietzscheshammer on 13/11/2009

Barack Obama has announced a “jobs summit” which is code for “do nothing”.  This is just another opportunity for Obama to get himself infront of the swooning media who love him so and act as if he is actually doing something.

Isn’t Obama the messiah who had all the solutions?  Didn’t he promise that his Socialist Stimulus would fix everything if only it were rushed through?  So if he is so cock-sure about what to do, why does he need a summit and why now?

Every action Obama has undertaked regarding the economy has resulted in massive spending, increased deficits, increased debt, debasing the dollar, loss of individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment.  

With Thanksgiving coming up, Americans should be thankful than Obama is going to talk about doing something rather than actually doing something.

How Obamacare is Really Going to be Paid for

Posted in Corruption, Economic Freedom, Economics, Social Freedom by nietzscheshammer on 02/11/2009

The Socialist/Democrats would like you to believe that they are going to save the country lots of money by seizing more control over the lives of all Americans.  The bottom line is that no matter what the cost of Obamacare it is not a savings at all.  It is a cost.  It is going to cost Americans more money than if it were not done, period.  A savings would result in every American seeing their taxes decrease.  A cost is when Americans or American businesses see their taxes increase.  Obamacare is going to increase taxes. 

What is going to happen according to everyone including Obama and the socialists, who have been woring in secret from the American citizens to create Obamacare, is that Americans will see their taxes increase.  This is then by any definition of the word, a cost.  Only a socialist could even try to misrepresent this as a savings.  They have to because they know that Americans would never agree to it if they presented it as the massive loss of economic and social freedoms that it is.

The reality is that medical device and medicine manufacturers and individual Americans are going to pay much higher taxes.  There is simply no other way the Socialist/Democrats can even try to maintain the illusion that this is in any way economically feaseable.

The taxes on Americans will start with those who make more money but because of Obama’s fiscal policy of destroying the value of the dollar, these taxes will find their way down to more and more Americans as time goes on.  How?  As the value of the dollar is destroyed it takes more dollars to buy things, this is inflation.  The value of the things does not go up, it is that the value of the money is going down.  One of those things that money is used to buy is labor.  It will cost more to employ people.  That means your paycheck will go up but it will not go up nearly as fast as the taxes you will pay because you will be driven into higher and higher tax brackets and pay higher rates including these new Obamacare taxes.  How many people will this affect?  Twenty-five million … each year.

And if you think that the Socialist/Democrats will not decide that the Obamacare taxes should be applied to lower and lower tax brackets as time goes on you had better think again.  Remember Obama’s promise that nobody making less than $250,00 would pay one cent more in taxes?  Chalk that up next to the other broken promises including Obama’s promise of no mandate for Obamacare.

“If you’ve got a health care plan that you like, you can keep it. All I’m going to do is help you to lower the premiums on it. You’ll still have choice of doctor. There’s no mandate involved.” – Oct. 7, 2008, debate, Nashville 

Anyone who does not buy health insurance that Obama approves of will pay a punitive tax.  Obama will punnish you financially for not thinking and acting the way he wants you to.  And if you refuse to pay Obama will send you to prison for doing the same thing that his treasury secretary did: tax evasion.  What a wonderful person Obama is: he gives his criminal friends powerful positions and criminalizes good Americans.

Furthermore, these taxes are being forced upon 1.2% of the population in order to to pay for something for a different 20% of the population.  The people who are being hit with tax increases of up to 32% will in no way benefit from Obamacare and yet they are being forced to pay for 40% of it.  Is that fair or just?  In every other minority situation this would be grounds for numerous law suits.  But not when Obama and the Socialist/Democrats want to steal money; then it is something good that they are doing.  This is a clear example of the tyranny that Obama and the socialists in government wants to impose upon Americans who followed their American Dream, worked hard, took risk, sacrificed and made their dream a reality.

William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center makes an excellent point.

“If health care is a benefit that is worth having, then it’s worth paying for, … This gives the impression that it’s only worth having if someone else pays for it.”

In other words, if people really thought they wanted health insurance they would pay for it themselves and not buy the other things that they have purchased instead up to this point (new cars, cell phones, HD TVs, $150 shoes, $10,000 rims, etc.).  Everyone will think that something someone else is paying for is a good thing.  If the government said that everyone in the country would chip in to buy you a house on the beach in Miami would you refuse or think it was a bad idea?  Of course not.  But what if that same government offered the same deal only going in the opposite direction and told you that you had to buy houses for 20% of Americans, would you think that was a good idea?  These issues are so simply wrong ethically and infeasable economically that it is stunning they are even being discussed.

How can this possibly be construed as a savings for Americans?  Perhaps Obama and the socialists mean savings in the sense that they are removing economic and social freedoms from Americans and “saving” those rights for themselves?

So how is Obamacare really going to be paid for?  By oppressing more and more Americans to a greater extent than ever before by seizing more of their money and power to make decisions regarding their own lives.  In a word: socialism.