Nietzsche's Hammer Blog

Why You Should Be Happy About Obama’s “Jobs Summit”

Posted in Economics by nietzscheshammer on 13/11/2009

Barack Obama has announced a “jobs summit” which is code for “do nothing”.  This is just another opportunity for Obama to get himself infront of the swooning media who love him so and act as if he is actually doing something.

Isn’t Obama the messiah who had all the solutions?  Didn’t he promise that his Socialist Stimulus would fix everything if only it were rushed through?  So if he is so cock-sure about what to do, why does he need a summit and why now?

Every action Obama has undertaked regarding the economy has resulted in massive spending, increased deficits, increased debt, debasing the dollar, loss of individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment.  

With Thanksgiving coming up, Americans should be thankful than Obama is going to talk about doing something rather than actually doing something.

Unemployment Hits 10.2%

Posted in Economics by nietzscheshammer on 06/11/2009

Data from the Labor Department pushes the unemployment to 10.2% and that is the good news.

If those who have been forced into temporary jobs or who have stopped looking for jobs entirely were counted that number would spike to 17.5%.

And what is the solution being proposed by Congress?  Congress wants to spend more of Americans money to try and cover up the mess that they created by spending Americans money. 

The answer to the collosal failure of socialism: more socialism.